About Our Organization

About US
Owing to their small size, geographical remoteness, highly dispersed populations, the limited scale and undiversified nature of their economies, high dependence on external markets, and the effects of climate change, we recognize and understand that the AIS region can no longer rely only on the international financial architecture to fully address their unique development circumstances and make accessing concessional finance easier for them, which could mitigate their fiscal constraints and reduce the risk of indebtedness. AiBC, is committed to fostering innovation, driving economic growth, and increasing productivity across the African Islands States. Our programs are designed to create an enabling environment for the region to become economically resilient and a competitive market globally, while promoting sustainability and inclusive development. At AiBC we are committed to leverage its vibrant diaspora and local communities as an additional and alternative source of investment, policy expertise and knowledge in this region.
We are business operators, climate change, energy, development and policy experts, working together with States, businesses, institutions and civil society stakeholders across African Islands States, to leverage partnerships, develop resilient businesses, climate and energy infrastructures in the AIS, in order to improve the resiliency of the population, encourage and promote economic development. AiBC actively sorts and obtains support from some governments, institutions and private sector globally and in the AIS regions to proactively identify and address these challenges.

Our Vision
The AIS region is a special case for sustainable development and resilient prosperity. The vision of AiBC is to meaningfully involve the vibrant diaspora and local communities in decision-making processes as appropriate, including through business councils, and advisory committees, supporting diaspora-led initiatives, and creating opportunities for engaging the vibrant diaspora and local communities in sustainable development of the region. We see the diaspora more than just from the vantage point of its remittance, but as an integral, additional and alternative source of investment, policy expertise and knowledge base that is pivotal in the resiliency and survival of this region.

Our Mission
The mission of AiBC is to assist the AIS region leverage its vibrant diaspora and local communities to mobilize human, financial, technical, and technological resources to help the region achieve a resilient form of prosperity, that is reflected in sustainable development for all their communities, where economic growth and well-being are sustained and their economies are robust, diversified, adaptable and able to withstand shocks, ensuring social equity, and promoting environmental sustainability.
It is thus imperative to summon all the living forces and friends of the region including the vibrant and prosperous diaspora to collectively work towards creating and supporting an enabling business and policy environment to maximize diaspora remittances, investment, skills and experience for research, innovation, economic development and diversification to shift towards environmentally sustainable practices and technologies.

Our Ambitions
Our ambition is to develop bold, new, and innovative ways of partnership within the AIS that leverages a whole-of-government and whole-of-society approach through a collective and common platform for business development, policy engagement, climate change, energy transition, infrastructure construction and access to investment opportunities as part of a regional effort to provide the AIS regions with a resilient and sustainable development, energy transition and climate change strategies and readiness.
Donate to AiBC
At AiBC, we are committed to diligently engage with the business community, the local communities and the vibrant diaspora to push forward in ensuring that the private sector, local communities and diaspora are integral in helping the region achieve a secure, resilient and sustainable development.
To assist AiBC in working in the region, please make a donation today.

Where do we work
We work mostly in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) with a special interest and focus on African Island States (AIS). SIDS including AIS is a distinct group of developing countries, recognized by the United Nations since 1992 as a special case for both their development and environment.
The AiBC works to summon all the living forces and friends of the region including the vibrant and prosperous diaspora to collectively work towards creating and supporting an enabling business and policy environment to maximize diaspora remittances, investment, skills and experience for research, innovation, economic development and diversification to shift towards environmentally sustainable practices and technologies.
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