Dr. Ayuk Ayehsabu, Policy Director

Ayuk’s professional experiences span include but not limited to leadership development, research, consulting, policy formulation and implementation at universities, state and corporate institutions, and Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). Currently, Ayuk is a lecturer, assessor, and supervisor of students’ dissertations at the School of Business Leadership and Management, Arden University, United Kingdom, and is also employed by the North Yorkshire Council, United Kingdom. He is also a member of the Diversity and Migration Research Community at Arden University.

Prior to moving to the United Kingdom, Ayuk has been a lecturer and assessor in Management and Leadership Development at the School of Commerce, Milpark Education (PTY) Ltd Johannesburg, South Africa. Considering his current roles at Arden University and previous roles at Milpark Education (PTY) Ltd, Ayuk enjoys the privilege of contributing in capacitating individuals from the corporate, education, public and government sectors with relevant leadership and management skills and competencies required to lead and govern responsibly, as well as for sustainable transformation, growth and development of communities. Ayuk has also worked with a number of NGOs and CBOs in South Africa in conceptualizing and implementing community development initiatives that capacitate members of vulnerable communities and informal business sector with leadership skills and other requisite competencies that engender social cohesion and livelihoods security in such communities.

Before moving to South Africa, Ayuk worked as a Foreign Expert for Culture and Education, and International Student Ambassador in Universities in China and Finland respectively. Ayuk has a PhD degree with specialization in Leadership and Management from the North-West University (Potchefstroom, South Africa), two graduate degrees in leadership (University of Jyvaskyla, Finland) and International Development Studies (University of South Africa, Pretoria) respectively. His research interests include leadership and management development, leading and managing strategic change, leadership for inclusivity/inclusiveness and sustainable development, responsible corporate governance and citizenship, organizational development, transformation and culture, and professional learning communities. Ayuk is an author and has participated in local and international conferences as organizer, presenter and discussant.

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